Frank W. Miller.Frank married Sabina Matthew Simms after 9 Oct 1872.
Sabina Matthew Simms [Parents].Sabina married Frank W. Miller after 9 Oct 1872.
Edward Simms [Parents] was born in Montgomery Co., MD. He married Hardy.
Hardy was born in Charles Co., MD. She married Edward Simms.
They had the following children:
M i Dr. Constantine Simms. F ii Sienna Simms. M iii Richard Simms. F iv Virginia Simms. F v Georgiana Simms. F vi Edwina Simms. F vii Mary G. Simms. M viii William Simms. M ix Philip Simms.
William Warren.William married Edwina Simms.
Edwina Simms [Parents].Edwina married William Warren.
They had the following children:
M i William Edward Warren. M ii Philip Simms Warren.
Judge Smith. married Sienna Simms.
Sienna Simms [Parents].Sienna married Judge Smith.
Dr. Constantine Simms [Parents].Constantine married Onderdunk.
Onderdunk. married Dr. Constantine Simms.
Thomas B. Crouch was born in St. Louis. He married Nelly B. Simms.
Nelly B. Simms [Parents].Nelly married Thomas B. Crouch.
Edward C. Simms [Parents].Edward married Emma McCatchen.
Emma McCatchen.Emma married Edward C. Simms.
They had the following children:
M i Clarence L. Simms. F ii Bissia L. Simms. M iii Eugene C. Simms. F iv Gracia Simms.
John L. Simms [Parents].John married Angeline Letna Atkins.
Angeline Letna Atkins.Angeline married John L. Simms.
They had the following children:
F i Julia W. Simms. F ii Annie Margaret Prosser Simms.
Julian R. Simms [Parents].Julian married Jessie M. Linney.
Jessie M. Linney.Jessie married Julian R. Simms.
They had the following children:
F i Florence Simms. M ii Horace Linney Simms.
Charles William Simms [Parents] was born about 1809. He died in 1844. He was buried in Pomfret. He married Anne Eliza Stewart.
Anne Eliza Stewart.Anne married Charles William Simms.
They had the following children:
F i Josephine Simms. M ii John Oscar Simms. M iii Christopher Columbus Simms.